Antagna projekt
Följande projekt blev antagna till Abisko naturvetenskapliga station, fältsäsongen 2019.
Projekt | Lärosäte |
Active Layer Monitoring | Lunds universitet |
Long-term dynamics of mountain birch forest defoliators and the mountain birch forest | SLU, Uppsala |
SGO observations at Abisko | Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory |
LATNJA-OBS | Göteborgs universitet |
Linking plant and soil ecology | Uppsala universitet |
Peatland biogeochemistry | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Trace gas emissions | Stockholms universitet |
Plant-herbivore interactions | Umeå universitet |
International carbon observation system (ICOS) | Lunds universitet |
Belowground vegetation | University of Regina |
NordSpec | Lunds universitet |
Stordalen hydrology | Lunds universitet |
Treeline dynamics in the tundra under climate change | Umeå universitet |
AquaGHG-Abisko | Linköpings universitet |
GHG emissions at Stordalen | University of New Hampshire |
Migration of Ringed Plover | Lunds universitet |
The invisible stream carbon-stream DIC and uncolored C in tundra streams | Umeå universitet |
Stream ecosystem research | Umeå universitet |
WaRM/Climate impacts on C flux | Umeå universitet |
Warming effects on freshwaters | Umeå universitet |
Carbon cycling in freshwaters | Umeå universitet |
BryoSoil | University of Vienna |
Controls of Nitrogen fixation | University of Copenhagen |
The intersection between art and science | Kungl.Konsthögskolan |
Impact of Permafrost thawing on AquaTic ecosystems: quantification of Chemical compounds inputs (PATCH) | Umeå universitet |
Linking plant functional traits and plant-soil feedbacks to global environmental change | SLU, Umeå |
Plant-soil feedbacks | SLU, Umeå |
Will more productive Arctic ecosystems sequester less soil carbon? A key role for priming in the rhizosphere (’PRIMETIME’) | University of Stirling |
Plant nutrition as Earth System Science: understanding the links between plant nutrient gain and soil carbon storage (Pnuts) | University of Edinburgh |
Microbial growth and biogeochemistry | Lunds universitet |
Alien species dynamics along mountain roads and trails (ALDYRO-3) – INTERACT | University of Antwerp |
Effects of large-scale, climate-mediated oligotrophication on the food webs of Arctic/alpine lakes | SLU, Uppsala |
IronFrost | University of Tübingen |
LABCat – INTERACT | Stirling University |
RECYCLE | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Ice-cover on lakes | Umeå universitet |
Climate change effects on C+N | University of Copenhagen |
Sensory adaptations in Bombus | Lunds universitet |
Worming of the Arctic | Umeå universitet |
Warming impacts on Actic soils (TRANSCLIM) – INTERACT | Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL |
Bumblebee phenology (Arctic Buzz) – INTERACT | Imperial College Silwood Park |
Landscape scale lake morphometry,BATHY | Umeå universitet |
Diatomite formation in lakes | Lunds universitet |
Living soils in the future arctic: Impacts of decomposer interactions on carbon emissions from a micro to landscape scale | SLU, Uppsala |
Mixopeat: Rethinking the peatland carbon cycle – identifying the role of mixotrophs in the biological carbon pump | University of Toulouse |
Nuolja Phenology Project | Umeå universitet |
The role of mycorrhiza for N transfer from moss to vascular plants MYCOMOSS | Copenhagen university |
Tundra biogenic volatile emissions in the 21st century, TUVOLU | University of Copenhagen |
Snowfence Storflaket | Umeå universitet |
Abisko Long-Term Experimental Research (ALTER) | SLU, Uppsala |
Biogeographic monitoring of landsnails in Sweden. | Länsstyrelsen Östegötland |
Fieldwork: collecting water samples from Storflaket | Uppsala universitet |
Global Observation Research Iniative in Alpine environments – Latnajaure (GLORIA-LAT) – INTERACT | Ghent University |
Insect Biome Atlas | Naturhistoriska riksmuséet |
Iron-Phosphorus across redox regimes | Kent State University |
Measuring CH4 and its isoptopes, and CO2 and CH4 concentrations: Test the instrumentation. | Stockholms universitet |
Mercury and carbon dynamics in Stordalen Mire | University of New Hampshire |
Nutrient fluxes in Arctic soils under changing climate conditions (NutFlux) – INTERACT | University of Edinburgh |
Soil Organic Carbon Research in Alpine Tundra EcoSystems (SOCRATES) – INTERACT | Lomonosov Moscow State University |
The Shrubs as Growth Facilitators | Deakin University |
Agrarian occurrences in the Torneträsk | Umeå universitet |
Peatland carbon dynamics in space and time | Lunds universitet |
PeatTrait – INTERACT | University of Eastern Finland |
Primary succession & climate warming | Hokkaido University |
Remotely Sensed Arctic Plant Physiological Traits (SPARSE) – INTERACT | University of Sheffield |
Snow Microphysical Properties | University of Utah |
LOREX: Limnology and Oceanography Research Exchange | Umeå universitet |
Mars analogue research | Luleå tekniska universitet |
TREENE – INTERACT | Inst.Plant&Anim.Ecol., RAS |
Aliens in the polar regions | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Altered risk of mercury pollution from northern latitudes as a consequence of invasive species and thawing permafrost – Access Abisko | Stockholms universitet |
Drivers and impacts of invertebrate herbivores across forest ecosystems globally (ECOHERB) | Lunds universitet |
Nature’scontributions to people in a changing climate – Access Abisko | Umeå universitet |
Soft-mobility and integration in the context of microurbanisation in the RBA area – Access Abisko | Umeå universitet |
Climate change effect on subarctic ecosystems | University of Eastern Finland |
Arctic Browning | Göteborgs universitet |
Limniska programmet, NRM | Naturhistoriska riksmuséet |
Greenhouse gases and the C-cycle | Lunds universitet |
Arctic Ecosystems | Umeå universitet |
Fjällfloristik | Umeå universitet |
Alpine Ecology (teaching) | Umeå universitet |
Arctic Ecosystems Field Course | University of Sheffield |
Arctic Geoecology 2019 | Umeå universitet |
Northumbria EMMR course | Northumbria University |
CIRC Autumn Science Symposium 2019 | Umeå universitet |
CIRC Internship Program 2019 | Umeå universitet |
Aerosol and black carbon & Carbon in the Arctic. | Stockholms universitet |
Arctic Ecosystems | Umeå universitet |
Arctic water beetles | The Balfour-Browne Club |
Kiruna atmosfärs- och geofysiska observatorium, KAGO | Institutet för rymdfysik |