Antagna projekt

Följande projekt blev antagna till Abisko naturvetenskapliga station, fältsäsongen 2019.

Projekt Lärosäte
Active Layer Monitoring Lunds universitet
Long-term dynamics of mountain birch forest defoliators and the mountain birch forest SLU, Uppsala
SGO observations at Abisko Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
LATNJA-OBS Göteborgs universitet
Linking plant and soil ecology Uppsala universitet
Peatland biogeochemistry Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Trace gas emissions Stockholms universitet
Plant-herbivore interactions Umeå universitet
International carbon observation system (ICOS) Lunds universitet
Belowground vegetation University of Regina
NordSpec Lunds universitet
Stordalen hydrology Lunds universitet
Treeline dynamics in the tundra under climate change Umeå universitet
AquaGHG-Abisko Linköpings universitet
GHG emissions at Stordalen University of New Hampshire
Migration of Ringed Plover Lunds universitet
The invisible stream carbon-stream DIC and uncolored C in tundra streams Umeå universitet
Stream ecosystem research Umeå universitet
WaRM/Climate impacts on C flux Umeå universitet
Warming effects on freshwaters Umeå universitet
Carbon cycling in freshwaters Umeå universitet
BryoSoil University of Vienna
Controls of Nitrogen fixation University of Copenhagen
The intersection between art and science Kungl.Konsthögskolan
Impact of Permafrost thawing on AquaTic ecosystems: quantification of Chemical compounds inputs (PATCH) Umeå universitet
Linking plant functional traits and plant-soil feedbacks to global environmental change SLU, Umeå
Plant-soil feedbacks SLU, Umeå
Will more productive Arctic ecosystems sequester less soil carbon? A key role for priming in the rhizosphere (’PRIMETIME’) University of Stirling
Plant nutrition as Earth System Science: understanding the links between plant nutrient gain and soil carbon storage (Pnuts) University of Edinburgh
Microbial growth and biogeochemistry Lunds universitet
Alien species dynamics along mountain roads and trails (ALDYRO-3) – INTERACT University of Antwerp
Effects of large-scale, climate-mediated oligotrophication on the food webs of Arctic/alpine lakes SLU, Uppsala
IronFrost University of Tübingen
LABCat – INTERACT Stirling University
RECYCLE Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Ice-cover on lakes Umeå universitet
Climate change effects on C+N University of Copenhagen
Sensory adaptations in Bombus Lunds universitet
Worming of the Arctic Umeå universitet
Warming impacts on Actic soils (TRANSCLIM) – INTERACT Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Bumblebee phenology (Arctic Buzz) – INTERACT Imperial College Silwood Park
Landscape scale lake morphometry,BATHY Umeå universitet
Diatomite formation in lakes Lunds universitet
Living soils in the future arctic: Impacts of decomposer interactions on carbon emissions from a micro to landscape scale SLU, Uppsala
Mixopeat: Rethinking the peatland carbon cycle – identifying the role of mixotrophs in the biological carbon pump University of Toulouse
Nuolja Phenology Project Umeå universitet
The role of mycorrhiza for N transfer from moss to vascular plants MYCOMOSS Copenhagen university
Tundra biogenic volatile emissions in the 21st century, TUVOLU University of Copenhagen
Snowfence Storflaket Umeå universitet
Abisko Long-Term Experimental Research (ALTER) SLU, Uppsala
Biogeographic monitoring of landsnails in Sweden. Länsstyrelsen Östegötland
Fieldwork: collecting water samples from Storflaket Uppsala universitet
Global Observation Research Iniative in Alpine environments – Latnajaure (GLORIA-LAT) – INTERACT Ghent University
Insect Biome Atlas Naturhistoriska riksmuséet
Iron-Phosphorus across redox regimes Kent State University
Measuring CH4 and its isoptopes, and CO2 and CH4 concentrations: Test the instrumentation. Stockholms universitet
Mercury and carbon dynamics in Stordalen Mire University of New Hampshire
Nutrient fluxes in Arctic soils under changing climate conditions (NutFlux) – INTERACT University of Edinburgh
Soil Organic Carbon Research in Alpine Tundra EcoSystems (SOCRATES) – INTERACT Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Shrubs as Growth Facilitators Deakin University
Agrarian occurrences in the Torneträsk Umeå universitet
Peatland carbon dynamics in space and time Lunds universitet
PeatTrait – INTERACT University of Eastern Finland
Primary succession & climate warming Hokkaido University
Remotely Sensed Arctic Plant Physiological Traits (SPARSE) – INTERACT University of Sheffield
Snow Microphysical Properties University of Utah
LOREX: Limnology and Oceanography Research Exchange Umeå universitet
Mars analogue research Luleå tekniska universitet
TREENE – INTERACT Inst.Plant&Anim.Ecol., RAS
Aliens in the polar regions Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Altered risk of mercury pollution from northern latitudes as a consequence of invasive species and thawing permafrost – Access Abisko Stockholms universitet
Drivers and impacts of invertebrate herbivores across forest ecosystems globally (ECOHERB) Lunds universitet
Nature’scontributions to people in a changing climate – Access Abisko Umeå universitet
Soft-mobility and integration in the context of microurbanisation in the RBA area – Access Abisko Umeå universitet
Climate change effect on subarctic ecosystems University of Eastern Finland
Arctic Browning Göteborgs universitet
Limniska programmet, NRM Naturhistoriska riksmuséet
Greenhouse gases and the C-cycle Lunds universitet
Arctic Ecosystems Umeå universitet
Fjällfloristik Umeå universitet
Alpine Ecology (teaching) Umeå universitet
Arctic Ecosystems Field Course University of Sheffield
Arctic Geoecology 2019 Umeå universitet
Northumbria EMMR course Northumbria University
CIRC Autumn Science Symposium 2019 Umeå universitet
CIRC Internship Program 2019 Umeå universitet
Aerosol and black carbon & Carbon in the Arctic. Stockholms universitet
Arctic Ecosystems Umeå universitet
Arctic water beetles The Balfour-Browne Club
Kiruna atmosfärs- och geofysiska observatorium, KAGO Institutet för rymdfysik