Konferensen Polarforum

Polarforum är en mötesplats för alla forskare med verksamhet om och i polarområdena, fjällen samt andra nordliga områden. Syftet är att genom nätverkande ge tvärvetenskapliga kontaktytor mellan forskare, Polarforskningssekretariatet och andra aktörer. Konferensen 2022 kommer att hållas på engelska.
Polarforum 2022
Polarforum hölls i Skissernas Museum (Birgit Rausings sal) i Lund i samarbete med Lunds universitet, den 17 november 2022.
Nedan finns länkar till inspelningar till samtliga presentationer
Presentationer (video)
Welcome and introduction (part 1)
8.30 Erik Renström, Vice-chancellor, Lund University
8.40 Katarina Gårdfeldt, Director General, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
Research opportunities
8.50 Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council
Magnus Friberg
9.10 Interact Transnational Access
Margareta Johansson, Lund University
9.20 SIOS – an international collaboration to create a regional observing system
Shridhar Jawak, SIOS
Polar research highlights from Lund (part 2)
10.00 Arctic vegetation is changing – why should we care?
Lena Ström, Lund University
10.15 The solar signal stored in ice sheets
Raimund Muscheler, Lund University
10.30 Aerosol particle formation in the Arctic and Antarctic
Pontus Roldin, Lund University
10.45 Models help us predict future changes in the Arctic
Paul Miller, Lund University
Information from the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (part 3)
11.10 Join Polar Researchers in Sweden
Ted Karlsson
11.15 Expedition with the icebreaker Oden ‒ ARTofMELT
Åsa Lindgren
11.25 Upcoming calls for themes within the Polar Research Process
Cecilia Lund
11.30 Abisko Scientific Research Station, monitoring and open data
Håkan Grudd
11.45 Abisko Scientific Research Station, ICOS and research infrastructure in Stordalen
Niklas Rakos
Polar research highlights from other universities (part 4)
13.00 Observations from below an Antarctic ice shelf in 2022
Anna Wåhlin, University of Gothenburg
13.15 Evolution of the woolly mammoth
Love Dalén, Stockholm University
13.30 Primary producers in a changing central Arctic Ocean
Hanna Farnelid, Linnaeus University
Future Generation of Polar Researchers in Sweden (part 5)
14.10 Arctic Five
Dag Avango, Luleå University of Technology
14.25 ClimBEco Graduate Research School at Lund University
Cheryl Sjöström, Lund University
14.40 Elevator speeches by PhD students working with polar research
Arctic fox genomics
Christopher Cockerill, Stockholm University
Waves, MIZ, Numerical Models
George Victor Emmanuel, Uppsala University
Air-sea interaction, polar low
Ting Lin, Uppsala University
Palsa mire dynamics through remote sensing
Cas Renette, Gothenburg University
Level ice and brash ice growth in Bay of Bothnia
Vasiola Zhaka, Luleå University of Technology
Concrete for Arctic regions and negative temperatures
Ankit Kothari, Luleå University of Technology
16.10-16.15 Concluding remarks and ways forward
Katarina Gårdfeldt