RFI-utlysning: forskningsinfrastruktur på isbrytaren Oden

Isbrytaren Oden under expedition till Petermannglaciären. Foto: Ida Kinner.

Vetenskapsrådet (VR) har finansierat fyra moduler som nationell forskningsinfrastruktur på I/B Oden och nu finns det möjlighet att ansöka om att förlänga infrastrukturen ytterligare en period.

The next call will open on December 4th, 2024, and close on February 18th, 2025. We hereby invite Swedish Polar researchers to contribute with suggestions to an extended National Research Infrastructure onboard I/B Oden.

The existing RFI modules are;

  • Acoustic mapping enhancing Oden’s echosounding capacity by adding two frequencies and broad-band capability to the split-beam echosounder for acoustic mapping of the water column and an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for measurement of ocean currents.
  • Atmospheric in-situ and remote sensing profiling (radiosoundings, cloud radar, microwave profiler), surface fluxes (eddy-covariance of momentum, sensible and latent heat and of CO2/CH4, plus incoming short- and longwave radiation & surface skin temperature) and weather parameters (weather station, celiometer lidar for clouds and aerosol, and visibility/presciptation; all on 7th deck)
  •  Water profiling, sampling and analyses: (Ferrybox I (-4H-Jena ) with surface intake temperature (SBE38), thermosalinograph (SBE45), dissolved oxygen (Aanderaa 4835), fluorscence+turbidity (Wetlabs FLNTURT), CDOM (Turner Cyclops 7); Sensors: fluorescence+turbidity (Wetlabs FLNTURTD, 6000 m), nitrate (SUNA-V2, 500 m, flow cell)
  • Petrography and enviromagnetics: a portable EZRAMAN-I-Dual Raman spectrometer equipped with two lasers, i.e. 785 nm, 532 nm with respective wavelengths of 250-2350 nm-1 and 100-3100 cm-1, laser powers of 0-350 mw and0-50 mW, and spectral resolutions of 6 cm-1 and 7 cm-1, an Olympus CX33 optical microscope which can be coupled with the Raman system. Enviromagnetic equipment under consideration (not purchased yet) should allow for (i) the low-field magnetic susceptibility and (ii) natural remanent magnetizations (NRMs) and artificially induced remanent magnetization (RMs).

One criterion for RFI Infrastructure is that all costs covered must be co-funded at 50% and that you will contribute to the application writing process. The instrumentation applied for should be relatively autonomous in order to be run continuously on all Oden expeditions. However, some modules can have parts that require dedicated ship time and manpower.

If you have suggestions for the next step of the RFI application for RFI Oden, please respond to asa.lindgren@polar.se before November 1st 2024.

Publiceringsdatum: 08 Okt 2024