Antarktisorganisationer utlyser stipendier
Tre Antarktisorganisationer utlyser stipendier för forskare tidigt i karriären.
Organisationerna är: Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes (COMNAP), Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) och International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) och de samarbetar för att locka till sig begåvade yngre forskare, forskare, ingenjörer, miljöchefer och andra yrkesgrupper. Syftet är att stärka det internationella forskningssamarbetet inom områden som klimat, biologisk mångfald, humaniora och astrofysik.
Antarctic Organisations Launch Fellowships and Scholarship Opportunities
Today, COMNAP, IAATO and SCAR launch Antarctic-related fellowships for early-career researchers. In 2022, COMNAP and IAATO will each offer one fellowship with funding of up to USD $15,000. The fellowships enable early-career persons to join a project team from another country, opening up new opportunities and often creating partnerships that last for many years and over many Antarctic field seasons. Note that the application processes for the COMNAP and IAATO fellowships are separate from those for the SCAR Fellowships and the eligibility criteria differ. The deadline for the COMNAP and IAATO fellowship applications is 30 June 2022.
Following the recent launch of the Polar Initiative ( the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has funded an additional SCAR fellowship and as a result, SCAR will offer in total four to five fellowships of up to USD $15,000 each for 2022. The details for the SCAR scheme will be similar to previous years but with the opportunity for applicants to propose partly or entirely remote Fellowships to reflect the impact of Covid19 related travel restrictions. The deadline for the SCAR fellowship applications is 31 August 2022.
All opportunities are being jointly promoted by the organisations involved.
The Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP)
Contact: Andrea Colombo - Engagement, Information and Project Manager
+64 3 369 0626
COMNAP brings together the National Antarctic Programmes of 31 Antarctic Treaty countries. Formed in 1988, the purpose of COMNAP is to develop and promote best practices in managing the support of scientific research in Antarctica. It does this by: Serving as a forum to develop practices that improve the effectiveness of activities in an environmentally responsible manner; Facilitating and promoting international partnerships; Providing opportunities and systems for information exchange; and Providing the Antarctic Treaty System with objective and practical, technical and non-political advice drawn from the National Antarctic Programmes' pool of expertise.
The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO)
Contact: Amanda Lynnes - Director of Environment and Science Coordination
+44 7879 777036
IAATO is a member organisation founded in 1991 to advocate and promote the practice of safe and environmentally responsible private-sector travel to the Antarctic. IAATO members work together to develop, adopt and implement operational standards that mitigate potential environmental impacts. These standards have proved to be successful including, but not limited to: Antarctic site-specific guidelines, site selection criteria, passenger to staff ratios, limiting numbers of passengers ashore, boot washing guidelines and the prevention of the transmission of alien organisms, wilderness etiquette, ship scheduling and vessel communication procedures, emergency medical evacuation procedures, emergency contingency plans, reporting procedures, marine wildlife watching guidelines, station visitation policies and much more. IAATO has a global network of over 100 members.
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
+44 1223 336550
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) is an inter-disciplinary body of the International Science Council (ISC). SCAR is charged with initiating, developing and coordinating high quality international scientific research in and from the Antarctic region, and on the role of the Antarctic region in the Earth system. SCAR Science Groups represent the scientific disciplines active in Antarctic research. They conduct the scientific business of SCAR and provide regular reports. In addition to carrying out its primary scientific role, SCAR also provides objective and independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings and other policy-oriented organizations, on issues of science and conservation affecting the management of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.