The global goals for sustainable development
The Global Goals, Agenda 2030, is a framework and action plan for sustainable development adopted by UN member states in 2015.
Agenda 2030 contains 17 global goals, 169 sub-goals and just over 230 global indicators. None of the goals can be achieved at the expense of another and success in all areas is required for the overall goal of Agenda 2030 to be achieved. The overarching goals are to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequalities and injustices in the world, promote peace and justice and resolve the climate crisis.
Most of the polar researchers connected to our network Polar Researchers in Sweden, work with research that contributes to achieving the goals of Agenda 2030. Goal 13, combating climate change, is the goal to which most researchers say their research is linked. The picture below shows how many polar researchers work with research related to each goal. At the bottom of the page are links to interviews with researchers who participated in our expeditions.
Researcher interviews
Weather balloons and meteorological measurements were in focus when Sonja Murto participated in the research expedition Synoptic Arctic Survey.
Ocean acidification caused by increased uptake of CO2 has been shown to have harmful effects on many forms of marine life and is expected to affect fish stocks and marine ecosystems in the Arctic.
Research on the Ryder Glacier shows that a shallow formation in the seabed partly prevents warmer Atlantic waters from melting it from below.