Swedish networks for SIOS and SOOS
SIOS - Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System
The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat has been a member of SIOS since 2018. Through membership, researchers at Swedish universities can gain access to SIOS' activities. To gather the researchers at Swedish universities who are interested in SIOS, the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat has initiated a Swedish SIOS network.
SIOS is a consortium created by the research organisations and research funders who own and manage research infrastructure in and around Svalbard. The consortium's intention is to coordinate, develop and optimize research infrastructure owned by the members. The goal is to develop a transparent research infrastructure based on collaboration to produce better estimates of future environmental and climate change in the Arctic. Today, SIOS has 24 member organisations and an observer organization from ten different countries.
The purpose of the network is to
- Bring together researchers from several Swedish research groups to increase the opportunities for collaboration
- Give participants the opportunity to present opinions to SIOS-KC and the General Assembly meeting
- Disseminate information from SIOS and its working groups
Provide information about each other's field activities
The network meets twice a year; once at the beginning of the year before the General Assembly meeting and once in early autumn.
SOOS - Swedish Southern Ocean Network
Researchers and policy makers with an interest in the Southern Ocean are welcome to the network SOOS - Swedish Southern Ocean Network. The purpose is to increase collaboration between Swedish Antarctic researchers and to increase the research's visibility internationally.
Polar Research Secretariat has signed a three-year partnership with SOOS, for the period 2020 - 2022, this coincides with the Presidency of the CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) held in Sweden in 2021 and 2022nd
In the network, regular newsletters will be sent out and every two years a scientific symposium on the Southern Ocean will be held, starting in the spring of 2021.