Networks and co-operations
Climate Impacts Research Centre (CIRC), Umeå University
CIRC has a permanent research group stationed at Abisko Scientific Research Station and has a key part in Umeå University’s Arctic activities. Their focus is on the effects of climate and environmental changes in Arctic and alpine ecosystems. Abisko Scientific Research Station collaborates closely with CIRC and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat has a cooperation agreement with Umeå University.
Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES)
SITES is a nationally coordinated infrastructure for terrestrial and limnological field research that will help to strengthen Swedish research based on measurements and experiments carried out in the field. Abisko Scientific Research Station has been a part of SITES since the start in 2013. The research station is participating in two of SITES’ infrastructures: SITES Water och SITES Spectral.
Read more on the SITES website
SITES Water aims to build a long-term and well-coordinated measurement program that will form the basis for the infrastructure where hydrological, physical, chemical and biological parameters in lakes and streams will be measured.
SITES Spectral
SITES Spectral is an infrastructure for collecting spectral data for ecosystem monitoring. Through this infrastructure, SITES can provide data for research related to climate change, carbon and greenhouse gas balances, phenology, general ecology and biodiversity and plant science.
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)
ICOS is a European research infrastructure to quantify and understand the greenhouse gas balance of the European continent and of adjacent regions. ICOS is built up as a collaboration of nationally operated measurement stations in 17 European countries. Abisko Scientific Research Station is hosting an ICOS measurement station in Stordalen.
Read more at the ICOS Sweden website
International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (INTERACT)
INTERACT is a circumarctic network of currently 82 terrestrial field bases in northern Europe, Russia, US, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Scotland, as well as stations in northern alpine areas. INTERACT specifically seeks to build capacity for research and monitoring in the European Arctic and beyond, and is offering access to numerous research stations through the Transnational Access program. Abisko Scientific Research Station has been a member of INTERACT since the start.
Read more on the INTERACT website
Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER)
LTER Sweden is a network for Swedish research and monitoring stations conducting long-term ecological research and monitoring. The network is open to all stations that fulfil the basic requirements set up by LTER Sweden and its mother organisation LTER Europe. Abisko Scientific Research Station has been a member of LTER Sweden since the start
Read more on the LTER Sweden website
SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, is an government agency with expertise in meteorology, hydrology, oceanography and climatology. Abisko Scientific Research Station has done measurements for SMHI since the station was founded.
Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
SGU is the expert agency for issues relating to bedrock, soil and groundwater in Sweden. One key task is to meet society’s need for geological information. Abisko Scientific Research Station is doing measurements for SGU.
Swedish National Phenology Network/Naturens kalender
Swedish National Phenology Network is a national collaboration between universities, governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations. The aim is to collect, provide, and present data on nature’s calendar on a long-term basis. Professional and voluntary observers report their findings on the website Naturens kalender. The reporting is a part of the research station’s monitoring programme.