Field cabins
Myrvillan is mostly used during the day as a rest house and for storing equipment. It is reached by car to the parking lot along the E10, then on foot, approx. 1 km.
The monitoring infrastructure in Stordalen includes meteorology, radiation and gas flux measurements.
Latnjajaure is the most used field cabin. It has sleeping space for ten people, a weather station, and a number of long-term experiments, such as the International Tundra Experiment (ITEX). It can be reached by helicopter all year round, on foot in summer, and by snowmobile in winter via Låktatjåkka.
Kärkevaggestugan has room for six people. It can be reached in summer on foot via Vassijaure and in winter by scooter or cross-country skis.
Jiprenkiedde har sängplats för två personer, ytterligare två personer ryms på golvet. Den nås med båt från Abisko naturvetenskapliga station över Torneträsk. Vintertid nås stugan med skoter eller längdskidor.
Lullihatjårro har sängplats för tre personer, det ryms ingen på golvet. Den nås med helikopter året runt eller med skoter vintertid. Det går att vandra dit sommartid, men stugan ligger avsides.